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In 2019 I started this blog to be able to freely digress on the various topics covered in the sections of the site, and to update my knowledge on the evolutionary path of the conscious Ego. To comment, you may send an email to info@vitaumana.it
HUMAN PSYCHE IN SPACE AND TIME (December 2020) The cultural transformations of the human psyche(the different human cultures - in the way they are formed and change depending on the location and the passing of time - can be considered as the manifestation of more or less wide, but still limited, regions of the psyche; the observation of these changes leads to consider the human condition as a state of submission to certain psychic attunements; the life of humans is basically conditioned by the use made of it by the more or less advanced cultures operating in today's world) The role of the conscious Ego as a sensor(in experiencing the different conditions of life that destiny reserves for it, and above all the psychic dynamics that derive from them, the conscious Ego can fully identify with its own psyche - as usually happens - or can progressively detach from it, assuming a sensor role which compares the experience of real life with another model of which the Ego retains - in one form or another - a trace) The psychic origin of cultural systems(cultural systems are formed and modified over time under the influence of the psyche's dynamics prevailing in a social context, which determine the thought and action of some particularly gifted individuals, who are able to impose them - through persuasion, propaganda or force - on a good number of individuals predisposed to accept and assimilate them; if the research on the cultural systems of the past presents many difficulties, the study of current cultures - with their contradictions and conflicts - is much easier, and shows us various aspects of the functioning of the human psyche) Life within a cultural system(the psyche shapes the different cultures and these, in turn, condition the minds of their new members through the cultural programs of interpretation of reality; cultural systems follow cycles of growth, decline and transformation, and even our current culture, despite its technological and economic successes and its phase of global expansion, is facing its decline, given that the human psyche contains within itself the disruptive factors that determine the crisis of a cultural system) The conscious Ego's evolution(originated and raised in the context of a cultural system generated by collective psychic tunings, the conscious Ego usually identifies itself for the entire duration of its life with the psyche's dynamics that involve it, functioning as a human automaton; but in some cases it manages to detach itself from its own psyche's dynamics, becoming more and more aware of its true nature as a conscious entity, independent of the conditioning of the human psyche and ready to explore and learn about other worlds and alternative dimensions)
A BOOK THAT DESERVES TO BE READ (November 2020) Science, Mind & Paranormal Experience(in 2006 the British mathematician Eric Lord - born in 1940 - published Science, Mind & Paranormal Experience, a book that shows singular analogies - even formal - with the topics covered in this site; this means that people who do not know each other can follow very similar cognitive paths, leading to results in tune with each other; the book begins by highlighting the successes of science, but also the limits of the scientific method – and above all of the mechanistic paradigm – in explaining every aspect of reality) The scientific method and the evolution of physics(starting from the 17th century, the scientific method – based on observation, measurement, and then on the experimental validation of the proposed hypotheses – led to what was believed to be an exact knowledge of an objective reality; although this method could not be applied to all fields of human knowledge, it achieved its greatest successes in physics and chemistry, leading to a deterministic vision of reality that reached its peak in the 19th century; but in the 20th century quantum theory and the uncertainty principle undermined determinism, introducing a subjective element in particle physics – the human observer – indispensable for the determination of some of the elements to be observed and measured) Mind and consciousness(after pointing out how all theories relating to the knowledge of physical reality have been elaborated by the human mind, Lord tackles the problem of how, from the organization of inanimate physical matter – which is supposed to be devoid of consciousness – the phenomenon of a consciousness capable of elaborating very complex psychic dynamics, as human consciousness is able to do, may emerge; the author limits himself to exposing the main approaches through which the problem of consciousness and its relationship with the brain functioning has been dealt with until today in our culture) Life's evolution(Lord points out the fallacies of neo-Darwinism as a scientific theory to explain the evolutionary processes; the claim that genetic mutations transmitted to progeny are determined in a completely random way is not validated by some experiments, and contrasts with the way in which the various living species show that they are able to adapt to environmental changes in a relatively short time, often through highly complex strategies) Paranormal experiences and conclusive conjectures(in the chapters on parapsychology and paranormal experiences various examples are reported – taken from the extensive literature available on these topics – ranging from telepathy to UFO dossiers; of particular interest are some speculative hypotheses freely advanced by Lord in the last chapter of his book, in relation to the increase of information present in the evolution of the universe, and the possibility that this evolution is the manifestation of a cosmic Mind)
GOOD AND EVIL (October 2020) The spirit and the conflict between good and evil(among the psyche's conflicts, the one between good and evil has always intensely involved the conscious Ego; often, however, what represents good for one person constitutes evil for another, and even for the same person what is felt as good in one period of life may be interpreted as evil in another period, or the same psychic event can have both positive and negative aspects; the spirit cannot allow itself to become ensnared in these conflicting dynamics) The spirit's path(the conscious Ego, once it has sufficiently evolved, can follow the spirit's path to get free from the inherent conflictuality of human life, characterized by the struggle between good and evil and by the fragmentation of the psyche into billions of individual experiences that often disagree with each other; the spirit is alien to these psychic conflicts, and offers the Ego the opportunity to reach a creative, harmonized and intelligent psychic dimension, to be achieved in tune with other spirits, according to a concord of intentions and feelings) The Ego between good and evil(the spirit is in itself endowed with a free and autonomous energy, not subject to the good/evil polarity that instead characterizes the human psyche; the Ego, as long as it identifies with the psyche's dynamics in which it is involved, is unable to free itself from this polarity, and even if it is inclined to operate according to what believes to be good and right, it must face contradictions, conflicts and sufferings; from the spirit comes only a weak signal, disturbed by the predominant attunements of the psyche, which is picked up by a limited number of people whose consciousness has reached an adequate level of development) The path of approaching the spirit(even when it feels the inclination to follow the signal coming from the spirit, the Ego remains more or less long involved in the ordinary dynamics of the human psyche; the reality of the spirit, however, manifests itself more intensely as the Ego proceeds on its path of approach, activating psychic attunements different from the ordinary ones, which free the Ego from the fear of the decline of old age - with the relative sufferings - and of the leap into the dark represented by death) Commands and desires(the commands and desires that involve the conscious Ego, making each of us work as they do, come largely from the cultural transformation of the natural instincts of our organism; the tension generated by desires translates into forms of fulfillment and pleasure when they are satisfied, always within the psyche's dynamics generated by the good/evil polarity; once it enters the Spirit dimension, however, the Ego may experience a different form of energy, unitary and not bipolar, which sets it free from the tension generated by human commands and desires)
THE CONTROL OF THE PSYCHE (October 2020) Things of the other world(in 1853 the French playwright and humorist Eugène Nus started experimenting for fun, with some friends, the movements of a table through the contact of the hands, and later to ask questions to a round table, which answered by blows with the alphabet method; it was the beginning of a series of curious communications that this group of friends attributed to an unidentified alien intelligence) Where do psychic statements come from?(our mental functioning tunes and elaborates those forms of thought that we feel as our personal heritage, valuing some and discarding others; but in the case of mediumistic communications, one gets the impression that they come from an alien – and in any case unconscious – source, which can value forms of thought that are completely different from ours, often attributed to a superior entity of divine nature that humans can feel the need to please) The condition of the conscious Ego(each conscious Ego lives a personal experience determined by the psychophysical resources at its disposal, by the cultural programs it receives and by the environmental conditions that involve its body and mind, therefore the meaning of life cannot absolutely be generalized; however at least one possibility is offered to follow the call of a counterpart of the Ego – which can be defined as spiritual – which helps the Ego to endure life's difficulties and, above all, collaborates in the process of liberation from being subjected to the psyche's attunements by which the Ego is seduced or intimidated) The purpose of conscious life(the life of each new human organism is determined by the natural laws of reproduction: although the purposes of conscious life go beyond the knowledge capacity of our mind, we can observe some facts, both in the dynamics of nature and in those of the human psyche, which lead us to consider how our human condition is inevitably subject to conflicts that involve and trouble the conscious Ego, as long as it does not free itself from the psyche's conditioning imposed by nature and human culture)
THE PATH OF THE EGO (September 2020) To better understand the Ego(in the pages of this site a prominent role has always been given to the conscious Ego, considered as the center of the experience of our inner life; however the self-knowledge of the Ego is a complex and not easy process, so much so that since ancient times the expression know thyself implied the achievement of a form of wisdom capable of bringing the true Ego, or – as someone prefers to call it – the Self, to consciousness) The different life experiences(the differences between the life experiences of humans can be remarkable, not only between one culture and another, but also within the same culture; if nothing prevents us from hoping for more balanced living conditions in the future, we must also not forget all the experiences that ended in the past, not a few of which characterized by intense unhappiness; for this reason one always has the impression that the search for the meaning of life implies a reference to something that goes beyond this dimension, unless we want to consider our life as a chaotic and meaningless phenomenon) The Ego tries to know what its true essence is(by undertaking the process of differentiation from the psyche's dynamics that involve it, the Ego recognizes itself first of all as a subject who experiences the psyche, through its consciousness: a subject that is not inert and passive, but sensitive and active, who progressively – realizing its autonomy towards the psyche – tries to find out its own path, in the labyrinth of the psyche's experiences, that leads it towards a goal of liberation, more congenial to its authentic essence) The Ego's resources(the demands of life engage the Ego, which only with difficulty can discern a path of detachment from the psyche's dynamics that involve it; in our culture, the most suitable period to devote to this commitment would be the last third of life, more or less from the age of 60 onwards; however, in most cases, at that age the Ego is already so programmed and conditioned that it is definitively a prisoner of its own habits, and only the call of the spirit can drive it to separate from the psyche's attunements that dominate it)
HUMAN DYNAMICS (August 2020) The conscious Ego and the forces acting in human dynamics(in witnessing the show of life, and taking part in it, the Ego feels the need to investigate and to know the possible powers that act behind the scenes, and are able to determine the results that are there for all to see; therefore it turns to the psyche, which offers it various interpretative options, in the more or less mythicized form of divine entities, whose very existence is being questioned today) Psychic dynamics and technological progress(in this historical period we are experiencing a phase in which technological progress is spreading throughout the world, and goals of relative improvement of economic conditions are pursued; but in human history very different cultures have alternated one after the other, at times conflicting, determined by psyche's dynamics oriented towards the Ego's submission to higher entities of divine nature, or towards a spiritual evolution aimed to an afterlife) The Ego, the psyche, the divinity and the spirits(examining the history of the various human cultures, we note how the psyche has involved the Ego in the most diverse orientations in relation to life and its needs - up to the most extreme ascetic practices - in function of the recognition of a superior divine entity and the subjection of the Ego to this entity's will; the existence of a divinity can be questioned, but the existence of the psyche and the instruments through which it manifests and imposes itself on the conscious Ego cannot be denied) The psychic force(in the course of a series of experiments conducted under conditions of strict control between 1871 and 1873, the famous English physicist and chemist Sir William Crookes studied the action of an energy, which he called psychic force, through which particularly gifted mediums, such as Daniel Dunglas Home, could make material objects move without physical contact; more than forty years later similar experiments were conducted by William Crawford; in any case both Crookes and Crawford later recognized the intelligent and autonomous character of the energetic entities that collaborated in the success of these experiments) Psychic attunements(if we compare some of the psyche's attunements experienced a few centuries ago, even within our culture, with those currently prevalent, we note how a transition from theology to psychology occurred, which however did not entail any real advantage for the evolution of the conscious Ego, who still remains at the mercy of the collective psyche's dynamics, of the forces that control them, or - alternatively - of chaos)
THE BRAIN AND THE PSYCHE (July 2020) The cultural influence of our knowledge of the brain(for many centuries and in all civilizations the most widespread cultural programs have presented a substantial division between the body and the soul, the latter considered to be the seat of psychic experience; only in recent times a revolution has occurred, that has highlighted the importance and priority of the brain in the processing of information which translates into psychic experience; in the light of this knowledge, every form of psychic experience of the past should also be attributed to the brain functioning, including all those that today are considered erroneous and illusory) The social function of the brain and the Ego(as they are reworked over time, cultural programs are transmitted to the brains of new members of our complex societies, influencing their functioning; however, within a society, various environments develop and transmit cultural programs that can be very different from each other, and the brain neural networks can be also activated in an instinctive, congenital way, reacting to stimuli from the environment or the body; in general these activities saturate the brain functioning, relegating the conscious Ego to a passive role and leaving little energy available for its evolution) The Ego tries to know itself(the Ego can try to drive the brain's mental activity – usually stimulated by external signals and socio-cultural conditioning programs – so to get a satisfactory cognitive image of its own nature; meditation techniques adopted for this purpose aim at isolating and quieting the mind, so that it focuses on the conscious nucleus involved in psychic experiences; some of these experiences, such as NDEs, prove to be autonomous and unconditioned processes, even if we want to attribute them exclusively to brain activity) Boundary psychic experiences(psychic experiences related to non-ordinary states of consciousness, such as NDEs, OBEs, lucid dreams, etc., if attributed to the brain activity, would demonstrate an autonomous ability of the brain to determine mental events – very significant for the conscious Ego – even in the absence of stimuli from the environment and the acquired cultural programs; in this regard, it can be assumed that the brain performs the function of tuner of signals, coming from a different dimension than that of the ordinary reality of this world, of which the conscious Ego is the receiver) Psychic reactions to paranormal events(beyond the reactions of wonder and admiration aroused by all human performances that exceed ordinary standards, paranormal events pose problems for the human psyche for which no solution has been found, as they seem to involve energies or entities belonging to a different dimension from our physical one; the attempts made in the past to scientifically investigate these phenomena, or to attribute them to the mental – and therefore cerebral – activity of particularly gifted people, have not given significant results from a cognitive point of view)
THE UNIVERSE AND NATURE (July 2020) The Cosmos and our world(the awareness that our world is only a point in a Cosmos of immense dimensions, within which billions of other worlds similar or very different from ours could exist, has become part of our cultural heritage since a few centuries, but only since a few decades the progress of astronomy has begun to give us an idea of the complexity of the Cosmos, and of the relatively unimportant condition of our planet inside it) Nature in our world(observing the natural processes active in living organisms before humankind exerted its influence on the natural world, one can distinguish automatisms that do not require any form of individual consciousness, and systems – such as the pleasure/pain polarity – that require a center of perception, prediction and decision to which the control of the organism is partially entrusted; thus a still rudimentary form of consciousness is produced, incapable however of reflection and autonomous creative elaboration) Nature and the human mind(the human mind shows some innovative processes, compared to those of any other natural organism: first of all humans can interconnect in complex societies – made up of thousands of individuals – within which individual members are assigned differentiated roles; moreover, the operating programs transmitted from one generation to another are dynamic, and can become increasingly complex; the human brain must therefore have the ability to creatively process the acquired information and programs) Neural networks and psychic experiences(our brain neural networks – as well as those of other animals' brains – show remarkable information processing capabilities, based on input and output electrochemical signals, which modify the state of the network as a whole and can determine the organism's behavior; but the mental activity that produces the psychic experiences in which our conscious Ego is involved shows more complex aspects, and cannot be attributed only to the information processed by neural networks, unless one recognizes that any information processor – therefore even a man-made computer or robot – does necessarily produce an at least rudimentary form of consciousness) Elements and dynamics of the game(the elements that determine the destiny of every human being – and the history of humanity as a whole – are the brain, the conscious Ego, the psyche, and the cultural programs, determined by the creative elaboration of previous psychic experiences, which spread in the social milieu through the communicative interaction of the connected brains; cultural programs are transformed over time, as each generation processes those received from the previous generation; the energy and resources available to the conscious Ego and the brain greatly vary from one person to another, determining – also on the basis of the acquired cultural programs – very different psychic experiences)
SMART CONSCIOUSNESS (June 2020) Knowledge of the world and the psyche(the destiny of some humans involves an expansion of the faculties of consciousness, which orientates our intelligence so as to increase our knowledge of the physical and natural world, or of human and social activities; in relatively recent times this smart consciousness has addressed its attention also to the psyche's functioning, an insidious and uncertain fiel of investigation, due to the interactions between the subject and object of the research) The conscious Ego, the real world and the psyche(the conscious Ego is connected to the reality of the world and to the psyche through a psychophysical system that can be compared to a computer, connected to a complex network of billions of other computers with which it exchanges programs and information; towards this complex system the Ego often remains in a condition of passive suggestion, but in some cases an awakening occurs, thanks to which the Ego tries to obtain direct information on its condition, its role and its very essence) Smart consciousness and the psyche(in confronting the psychic dynamics active in the course of life, our consciousness can acquire - over time - an intelligence of its own and an ability to evaluate, which are made available to the Ego: thus many of the expedients - even culturally programmed - aimed at entangling the Ego in this organic life are revealed, and the Ego can autonomously practice in the role of creator of a new program, capable of giving meaning to human experience) The search for the program(based on their own experiences and the level of evolution reached by their smart consciousness, every human being can try to use – if they are interested - the final part of their life to develop their own program that can give a meaning to their life; it is a personal research, based on a method of acquiring information and evaluating the effects, the results of which - always subjective - can be surprising)
THE TWO SIDES OF HUMAN LIFE (May 2020) The human being as a living organism(the formation of the body of a new human does not differ in complexity from that of primates or other higher mammals; the learning process is much more complex in humans, but in primitive living conditions it could consist of survival techniques similar to those taught by apes to their young) The culturally programmed human being(unlike other animal species, humans receive, since their birth, a series of operating programs determined by the cultural environment in which they are bred; in complex societies, made up of millions of individuals, these programs - whose origin remains obscure - show numerous variations, and not infrequently come into conflict with some instincts deriving from our body's animal origin, which may involve the conscious Ego in a state of suffering) Consciousness and memory(at the basis of the existence of our conscious Ego, in this life, there is obviously our consciousness, without which there cannot be an inner life, but only a possible robotic functioning; however, memory is also necessary, at least a short term memory, to give us the basis on which to establish the continuity of our existence, which cannot consist of a series of moments of consciousness disconnected from each other and immediately forgotten) Expectations for the future(if our memory is turned towards the past, the evaluations that underlie our choices and our way of acting are almost always based on expectations for the future, both in the short and long term: the fact that life unfolds along an arrow of time implies the transformation of a future – foreseen, imagined or hoped in a certain way – into a past now fixed, immutable and not infrequently disappointing) The tension of living(the economic and psychological functioning of our complex societies feeds on the vital tension of the billions of humans who are part of them, whose living conditions adapt, in principle, to the programmatic and conditioning demands of the social systems; what most strike us are the strong differences between the individual destinies of humans, to explain which the psyche has devised various theories, all of them lacking a convincing experimental validation)
PSYCHIC ENERGY (April 2020) The mind, the unconscious and the conscious Ego(after highlighting the ambiguities entailed by the use of the term unconscious as a noun, it is interesting to examine the functioning of the human mind both as regards its direct effects on the conscious Ego and with regard to the elaborations carried out by the unconscious mind) The nature of the conscious Ego(the conscious Ego develops over time, and in adulthood it should have the function of evaluating environmental conditions and mental reactions, and controlling both actions and behaviors as well as inner psychic dynamics; however its development does not proceed in the same way for all human beings, whose functioning often remains controlled by automatisms and conditionings, while the Ego is granted only the role of a (more or less passive) witness of its mental experiences) The effects of psychic energy(psychic energy, as shows itself in humans, creates the cultures, civilizations, and all the transformative and technological achievements that have changed the Earth's natural environment; every new member of a complex society becomes a neophyte to whom programmatic information and directives are transferred, which – interacting with their brain – determine their behavior and functioning within that system; in most cases this way of functioning exhausts all the psychic energy, leaving only a few crumbs for the evolution of the conscious Ego) The change of existence(the transformations that the conscious Ego undergoes as life goes on - from an initial phase of psychic experimentation to a final phase of research of the meaning of life - can help its evolution from a condition of subjection to psychic experiences and socio-cultural conditionings to a path of liberation from the weaves that ensnare it in the conflicting contradictions of human psyche; at the end of this path the Ego can claim its right to a form of existence more suited to its own spiritual essence)
THE AVATAR AND THE GAMER (April 2020) A massive multiplayer role game(online role-playing games involve the interaction between the characters created by each of the players - the avatars - who can increase their characteristics and resources, earning points or virtual money through their actions, determined by the gamer's choices; the key figures in this kind of games are the Programmer, the Gamer and the Avatar) The role of the Programmer(if we want to try to compare an MMOG with real life, we must first of all consider that the programmers of the game of life are beyond our cognitive faculties, so much so that some humans deny their very existence; however the program exists, and we always have to deal with it, trying to reveal its secrets, and using the acquired knowledge for what we believe to be our advantage) Our identification with the Avatar(unlike role-playing games, in which every gamer creates their own avatar starting from initial conditions that are the same for everyone, in real life the psychophysical characteristics of each avatar and the environmental and cultural conditions in which it develops are very variable, and determine to an accentuated extent the subsequent choices made by the avatar, who seems to interpret the role assigned to him by the program, without letting us identify an external figure to whom to assign the role of Gamer) Looking for the Gamer(while in a computer game the gamer's figure is well defined, and is different from both the programmer and the avatar, in real life the player tends to coincide with the avatar, and both are conditioned by the program; the search for an external figure correspondent to the Gamer, who is also able to evaluate the program according to his needs and the opportunities and resources that are offered to him, can be stimulated in the player-avatar by the experiences in which life involves them) Who is the Gamer?(in human life everything is determined by a constantly evolving program, in relation to which the hopes, desires and intentions of human beings are generally not very effective, being determined by the program itself, for purposes that remain unknown to us; the player-avatar therefore remains involved in the experience of his/her individual life, which cannot be exchanged with anyone else; it is only by exiting the game that one can rise to the Gamer's point of view, the only one from which one can understand the meaning of the experience and can rate the program) The experience of the life game(the experience of life - different for each of us - involves above all the player-avatar, but the Gamer maintains its own autonomy and assessment capacity which, to a certain extent, can also be transmitted to the player-avatar, whose existence within the game remains temporary; the Gamer can always interrupt its participation in the game, if this does not interest it or if it is convinced that the program is faulty)
THE CREDIBILITY OF A REPORT OF THE FACTS (March 2020) Our intelligence and the ability to evaluate a report(ascertaining the reality and veracity of paranormal phenomena has always represented an unsolved problem: we examine the case of the medium Goligher, subject of Crawford's experiments, and the subsequent testimony of Fournier d'Albe, who accused the medium of resorting to fraudulent tricks, to see if we can come to an independent and reasonable assessment of how things actually went) Fournier d'Albe and the Goligher Circle(Fournier d'Albe was an eclectic personality of physicist, inventor, linguist, philosopher and scientific popularizer; his interests also in the field of psychic research led him to participate in twenty verification séances with the Goligher Circle and their medium, from May to August 1921) The commitment and intellectual honesty of William Crawford(the documents show that Crawford was indeed the person he claimed to be, and all the testimonies of other researchers confirm his good faith, and the diligence with which his experiments were carried out) The lighting issue in the séances with Fournier d'Albe(Fournier d'Albe claimed that the lighting of the sitting room did not allow to observe what happened at the bottom, in particular under the table, but various other witnesses tell the opposite: moreover not infrequently the table was mediumistically turned upside down, resting with its top on the floor and allowing the light to illuminate even the room's lower part) Fournier d'Albe's experiments(Fournier d'Albe devised and carried out a series of experiments - quite different from those coherently conducted by Crawford - which, due to the same modes with which they were conceived, whether they succeeded or failed, could not prove anything; in the end he was convinced that the medium, at least in certain circumstances, cheated, and declared it openly even without providing any other evidence than his testimony) Fournier d'Albe's conclusions(after twenty séances, Fournier – ignoring the successful experiments and relying on the failed ones – put an end to his test activity, claiming that he had not found any phenomenon that could not be explained on the basis of fraudulent activity by the medium and her partners, and thus demolishing the experimental results of Crawford, who was in fact accused of naivety and poor diligence) The criticism towards Fournier d'Albe(although almost all experts in the field of psychical research criticized both the method used by Fournier and the hasty conclusions he had reached, his book – as often happens – was accepted by the non-specialized press as a definitive unmasking of the fraud of which Crawford would have been a victim, due to his naivety, thus demolishing the remarkable results that the latter had reached during six years of experiments)
THE ALIEN MATTER (February 2020) William J. Crawford's investigations(between 1915 and 1920, in Belfast, engineer Crawford carried out a series of experiments and measurements to investigate and quantify the consistency of the ectoplasmic matter by which a young medium levitated tables and produced raps even of strong intensity) Crawford's experiments(Crawford performed over a hundred accurate measurements of the weight of the medium before and after the séances, and during the levitation and production of raps; he also measured the effects of the forces that made the tables levitate, and used various instruments, some of which devised by himself, to make sure that levitations and raps were produced exclusively by what he called «psychic forces») Crawford's theory and its validations(Crawford believed that from the medium's body a kind of plasma matter was emanated, normally invisible but in some cases tangible, which could interact with ordinary matter, causing levitations and raps; his accurate measurements allowed him to develop a coherent theory about the forms in which this matter was molded and the ways in which the active forces were applied in order to obtain the various physical phenomena) The plasma matter(based on the results of his experiments, Crawford developed a theory on the consistency of plasma matter, emanated from the medium's body, and on the formation of rigid structures that had to absorb and transfer the physical forces of the levitated objects, or applied to them by some persons; in some circumstances it was possible for him to feel the plasma matter by touch, and in his last months Crawford was also able to make it visible in a series of photos taken with magnesium flash)
THE CREATIVE MIND (January 2020) The origin and spread of mental programs(the mental programs shared by a sufficient number of human brains acquire a lot of strength, and can be implanted with remarkable ease in the brains of children and young people: evidently the average human brain does not have sufficient resources to assess by itself the value and adherence to reality of mental programs, since it is not uncommon for it to be enchanted by absurd ideas; at the same time, it is thanks to mental creativity that new programs are produced, which can successfully spread in the brain network) The charm of the world show(the interaction between our brain and certain particular stimuli from the environment generates a mental activity focused on wonder and enjoyment, both towards some aspects of the spectacle offered by nature and towards some creative elaborations of the human mind, such as music or stage performances; however, an advanced mental education is required in order to appreciate and intensely enjoy high-level creative performances) Creative inspiration(the main resource of human brain is creativity, through which some people can conceive, design and implement not only works of art and technological products, but also new forms of social organization and new laws, and develop new ideas that can be then spread in the social milieu; the consequences of social creative projects can only be assessed in the aftermath, and not infrequently show negative and disruptive aspects that had not been foreseen by their promoters) The origin of creativity(the universal creative process, from which our brain also originated, can be interpreted as the manifestation of a creative Mind – without attributing to this Mind any anthropomorphic personification – by analogy with the creative activity of the human mind; in this sense, the intelligent and conscious activity of our mind can be considered as a manifestation of a creative spark inherited from the creative Mind, about which we are unable to say whether or not it has a conscious will of its own) The mental interpretation of our world(the natural creative process is interpreted by the human mind on the basis of the information at its disposal, according to criteria that often do not correspond to the laws of nature, for which the fate of a single organism seems completely irrelevant; moreover, in relatively recent times, a radical change occurred in the information framework, with the discovery of single-celled organisms and the fact that, for over two billion years, they were the only life forms present on this planet) The mental interpretation of human condition(based on its cognitive faculties, the human mind gradually reveals the complexity of nature's creative processes, understanding the fundamental importance of the microscopic level of life, which underlies the evolution of more complex organisms; at the same time it reflects on the conflicting divergence between the dynamics of nature, completely indifferent to the individual destiny of living beings, and the mental instances – summarized in the term humanity – that lead it to desire and plan a more harmonious and happy human condition than the current one)