


Last update: February 2025 (Info).                                                                                                          

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WARNING: The contents of this site are public and can be freely quoted. The author does not wish to reserve any copyright. However it would be fair that whoever uses material from this site should mention the source, through a link to the site or the reference page.

                                          questions and answers

Q - What does this site deal with?

A - Essentially three topics:
1) the meaning of human life as a consequence of the mental experiences in which our conscious Ego is involved over time;
2) the transformation process that the Ego undergoes, until the natural conclusion of life itself;
3) the possibility that our Ego, its consciousness and some memories of its life's experiences move to another dimension at the end of this organic life.

These topics are treated with open mind and critical spirit, in the light of reasoning ability, acquisition and evaluation of available information, and based on the intellectual resources of which a human being can be endowed. Human life is a journey that unfolds over time and has a beginning and an end: as we proceed along this path, the curiosity arises to know what the meaning of our experiences is, and if the end of life is a goal towards which it is possible to go in full awareness.

This site has no religious character, in the conventional and traditional sense of the term: no reference is made to an anthropomorphically conceived divinity, nor to models of behavior to be adopted, or to prizes or punishments. At most, religions are taken into account as experiences determined by the human psiche. In general, the topics covered can be better understood by people already in their full maturity, endowed with a discreet culture and adequate intellectual resources.

How can I consult the site?

The menu on the left gives access to various sections, each dedicated to a particular topic. Clicking on one of the buttons, an introductory page to that section opens up where another menu on the right side allows to access all that section's pages (different for each section). Each page can be also access from the site map. To get an idea of how the various topics are treated, you can also read some pages of the Blog, which can be accessed by clicking on the buttons at the top right of this page.

How can I see if there's something that might interest me?

At the end of the present page, there is a summary that helps to better understand the topics of the site. You can also take a look at the Blog, which deals with the same topics in a freer form. There is a page with an analytical index of the topics covered in the Blog until June 2021. You can also directly consult the Site map.

What is the Life on earth section about?

The origin and evolution of the organic instrument (the body and its brain) through which we live in this world, the way in which human social aggregations have formed and evolved, and the ways by which complex societies (like the one we live in) activate the socio-cultural programs and conditioning that contributes to shape our functioning and behavior.

What is the Human psyche section about?

On the basis of the current scientific knowledge on the functioning of the human brain, it is explained how our feeling of existing in this life depends on the conscious experience of a series of psychic events determined by the mental (and therefore cerebral) activity, of which we can retain the memory. A person's mental experiences are only a mere fraction of all the psyche's events of which humankind can make experience, as a whole, now or in the past. The complex of all these experiences is an evolving phenomenon that can be defined as human psyche. The reasons are also explained why it is more appropriate to consider the human brain as a tuning instrument - rather than a producer - of the experiences of the psyche.

What is the Non-ordinary states section about?

In this section, the reading of which is easy and not demanding, various psychic experiences are reported which normally do not fall within the range of consciousness during the ordinary waking state: in addition to normal dreams and some particular kinds of dreams, such as lucid and conscious dreams, Out of the Body Experiences (OBEs) and experiences induced by the assumption of some psychedelic substances are dealt with.

What is the Near death experiences section about?

This section offers several examples of psychic experiences that occurred during critical states that may have had a final fatal outcome, which however did not happen. These particular experiences, certainly uncommon, often refer to an OBE and a condition of exixtence perceived as otherwordly. Some qualified opinions are also reported on the correlation between these experiences and the presumed brain functioning in the critical conditions in which the experimenter was.

What is the Psychic phenomena section about?

It's about various well-documented phenomena, mainly investigated in the period between the end of the nineteenth and the middle of the twentieth century, for many of which a satisfactory explanation have not yet been found, consistent with the physical laws we know. For this reason, there is still a strong resistance, originating from the psyche, to recognize the very existence of these phenomena. This section contains also a series of pages devoted to the History of a medium, with the original reports of some remarkable mediumistic phenomena occurred in a small Tuscan city between 1936 and 1952.

What is the Psychical research section about?

This section provides an outline of the researches carried out during a century and a half of investigations on mediumistic phenomena and the main theories advanced by the scholars to explain them.

What is the Over the life section about?

It considers the possibility that our conscious Ego may continue to exist in other dimensions after the dissolution of the psychophysical system by which we live in this world. Some hypotheses concerning agents and supports that could make possible these forms of continuity of existence are evaluated, together with the consequences that this possibility may have for our current life.

What does the Info & links section contain?

The Info page reports the additions or variations of the site's pages over time. On the Links page, inside this section, information is provided on other sites related to some of the topics covered in this site, while in the Library page you can find and dowload some of the books mentioned.

Why so many pages of the site are devoted to NDEs and mediumistic phenomena?

The reason is explained in the Human psyche section: these psychical experiences are important to highlight some inconsistencies in the cultural orientations currently prevailing in our societies. According to these programs, the existence of human beings are considered almost exclusively according to the needs of the socio-economic system of which they are members.

Who are you and what's your job?

I was born in 1946, and therefore I have a certain experience of life: other biographical information would not add anything meaningful to what is reported in this site. My subjective and partial human experience derives from the destiny that has determined the events of my life: it is more important to highlight the universal desire for knowledge and expansion of consciousness, which acts in me as in many other human beings.

Does the site have many contacts?

Contacts in the last year were over 25,000 (about 30% of which by interested readers). 

                                                How to navigate the site pages

To get an idea of the site guidelines, you can read the last pages of the section Over the life, entitled The release from the human psyche and The meaning of human life and the liberation of the conscious Ego. The idea is that this life might be a preparatory condition for the formation and evolution of the conscious Ego, so that it can possibly continue to exist beyond the death of the body and experience other dimensions. All the topics dealt with are intended to present, in an intellectually honest, shared and possibly documented way, the reasonable arguments that lead to this vision.

In order to better understand the meaning attributed to expressions such as conscious Ego and human psyche, as well as terms such as consciousness, memory, intelligence, etc., it is advisable to read the Definitions page in the Human psyche section. Anyway, all the pages in this section help to understand the difference between the conscious Ego and the experiences of the psyche in which it is involved, and to start a path of detachment of the conscious Ego from the human psyche, in order to evaluate the various psychic manifestations in a more detached way. Bear in mind that in our culture the term psyche is mostly considered as an equivalent of mental activity, and the identification of the conscious Ego with the psyche's experiences that involve it is taken for granted. This results in an excessive personalization of such experiences, as evidenced by the widespread use of expressions such as my (or your) psyche, which do not allow to distinguish between the experimenting subject, the origin of the psychic experience and the power of involvement and domination exerted by the psyche on the Ego.

Since the experiences of the psyche are determined by our mental activity, and therefore by the brain functioning and the stimuli that our psychophysical system receives from both the external environment and our organism, the Life on Earth section shows a synthetic picture of the origin of the human organism as part of the process that led to life evolution on our planet. However, our mental experiences are largely determined by the programs that have been transmitted to us by the socio-cultural system in which we have been raised, and also by those people with whom we must continually interact within the system that keeps our organism alive. So in the same section some pages are devoted to the cultural evolution of human societies, and to the differences between the simplest and mainly static societies, and the more complex ones. The influence of socio-cultural conditioning on mental activity and the psyche's experiences is then deepened in the section The human psyche.

In addition to experiences of the psyche that can be considered normal or ordinary, in the sense that almost all human beings can experience them as long as their brains work regularly and the necessary circumstances occur, there are other uncommon experiences that are discussed in the section Non-ordinary states. It starts with dreams, which can be considered as normal experiences (since almost every person dreams and many people remember most of the dreams they have): however, during sleep some peculiar and uncommon experiences may occur, such as lucid dreams, or dreams that are indistinguishable from the reality of the waking state, or separations of the conscious Ego from the body (OBEs). Some people have a special talent that allows them to easily access these experiences, which are precluded to the majority.

Among the uncommon experiences, a special emphasis is attributed to the NDEs, to which the Near death exp. section is dedicated. The importance attributed to these experiences is due both to the fact that they seem to refer, at least in part, to a state in which the conscious Ego is separate from the physical body, and to the critical condition in which the brain of the person involved in the experience can be. Given that such conditions could also result in irreversible death, they are often referred to as near-death experiences, an expression not particularly appropriate. Indeed, in most cases, the risk of death, when the experience occurs, really exists and can be high, although it is evident that people who experienced NDEs survived and recovered their mental faculties. However, not infrequently NDEs occurred when the subject was in coma or in a presumed unconscious state. The risk of death and the critical condition of subjects who experienced some NDEs have led to consider these experiences as proofs of the survival of the conscious Ego to the body's death: this has not been proven, but they certainly refer to a dimension very different from the one that characterizes our normal life.

All the particular and uncommon mental experiences dealt with in the Non-ordinary states and Near death experiences sections are typically subjective, in the sense that there are no other witnesses that can validate them, in addition to the experiencers themselves. Instead, in the Psychic phenomena section unusual experiences are reported which have undeniable objective features, since they were observed and witnessed by a plurality of people, and in some cases recorded by recording devices. As an example, recordings of mediumistic séances with direct voices can be downloaded and listened to from this page, in the section dedicated to the History of a medium. The objectivity of mediumistic phenomena, and more generally the assessment of the reality and authenticity of paranormal phenomena, has given rise to a field of study which, since the end of the nineteenth century, has beenfirst called psychical research, then metapsychic, and finally with today's most used term: parapsychology. Some guidelines on the orientation of these studies, the investigations carried out by Italian researchers, the results obtained and the explanatory hypotheses brought forth are shown in the section Psychical research.

The final section, Over the life, presents the conclusions that can be reached at the end of this long and complex path, and also at the end of human life. The conscious Ego has formed, developed and evolved in this life, but all of its experiences are determined by the psyche's dynamics that involve it through mental activity. Most of these experiences are determined by the needs of our human organism, and, when they are not neutral, they carry with them an emotional component that involves the Ego either negatively, through forms of distress and suffering, or positively, in terms of pleasure, enthusiasm and happiness. Some experiences involving a minority of human beings may reveal the possibility of existing in other dimensions, where the attunements experimentable by the conscious Ego are more in accordance with the needs of its spiritual and incorporeal part.

In April 2019 I started a Blog in which, more or less monthly, I have freely dealt with a theme connected with the topics of the site. You can access the Blog pages, grouped by year, using the buttons at the top right of this page, or via the site map.