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The medium's personality and the consequences of some events Urbino Fontanelli had a gentle and sensitive character: in some respects he could have been considered as an unrealized artist. In fact, he liked to draw and write, he played the mandolin and knew a bit of music. As a self-taught man, he was very modest and – conscious of his limits and the needs imposed by the harsh reality of life – perhaps he felt unsatisfied to the point of living with a certain torment some inner crises that suddenly emerged unexpectedly. In the issue1997/3 of Luce e Ombra Ravaldini outlined this concise sketch of the medium's personality: «As for the life and personality of Urbino, his social conditions were common to almost all the families that formed the community of that small town, and allowed a simple and modest existence. His father was a bricklayer, his mother a simple housewife, and the degree of education of both was at a very basic level. Urbino, born in 1913, had attended primary school up to the sixth, as then used, and had acquired by himself the culture he had, especially by reading. Life in Castelfiorentino certainly did not allow great ambitions. Urbino undoubtedly aspired to a better existence and had an innate desire for freedom that never abandoned him, so much so that he changed jobs several times: from barber to traveling salesman, from trust agent to store clerk». In the recordings of the conversations of 1973 and 1978 there is no trace of the inner conflicts of the medium, or of the consequences that certain events had on his personality or on the mediumistic faculties he was gifted, thus for a better understanding of the events which occurred and the impact that these had on the medium it is necessary to rely on the memories of Ravaldini, who in the issue 1995/2 of Luce e Ombra (page 200 et seq.) so recalled what happened in Castelfiorentino between 1938 and 1940: «Our séances were held almost secretly for a while. Outside, in the small town, no one knew about it, nor did our neighbors. But at a certain moment it was no longer possible... What happened in my house had now become public knowledge, and the situation escaped our control. Some of those who had been admitted to the séances and who said to be our friends were actually ignorant and chatty people, who completely lacked a sense of measure and discretion. Their accounts about the phenomena they witnessed, not always faithful to the facts, also reached the priest, who, believing himself to be the custodian of the absolute truth, considered some arguments discussed by the guides and other entities as heretical. These topics, as we can well imagine, concerned the spirit's infinite evolution and its consequent reincarnation process in contact with matter, the full responsibility of man's actions on planet Earth, which infallibly produces what the Orientals call karma, the plurality of inhabited worlds; a God who rules the universe through laws that assure order, harmony, absolute justice, which, being absolutely perfect ab aeterno, don't need any correction. And there is more: those who speak and badmouth us also mention the fact that the entities have regularly detected nonsenses and childishness in the priest's Sunday sermons». «Consequently, a clear statement of the local ecclesiastical authority is inevitable. And this attitude, assumed perhaps bearing in mind the mandatory rules issued by the Holy Office on the subject of spiritualism in the plenary assembly of April 24, 1917, leads to the condemnation of our family and all those who participate in the séances. We are practically banned from the community and for some years we will no longer be granted the Easter blessing of our house. And our exclusion is so rigid, that to admit my brother to his first communion we must address the priest of a remote country parish, which welcomes us with open arms. Sunday Masses are a good opportunity to emphasize our sin, aggravated because continued over time. The faithful are brandished the scarecrow that the manifestations of the entities are nothing but Satan's work, tending to lose those who attend them. There are, of course, the threats of the eternal flames of hell and many other nonsense, which only make us smile every time they are mentioned. All of this happens in 1938, but there is a lot of taste of the Middle Ages in what was carried out against us! The work of the Church man is joined by that of the mayor – undoubtedly for the union of fascism and catholicism that prevails in the country – with the consequences that can be imagined. And we also have against our landlord, rather bigot. Ignorance does the rest, so much so that my family members are shown with finger and people say about us: "They are those who make the spirits". To all this must be added the commander of the local station of Carabinieri, certainly driven by the authorities, who summons my uncle threatening to arrest him for disturbance of public peace and subversion of life in the town, if the mediumistic séances do not cease immediately». «One of our dearest friends, who has been attending the sittings for a long time, is struck by an attack of high fevers and goes out of his mind. His family members hold my family and the paranormal phenomena responsible for this. Fortunately, a conscientious doctor then said that the illness has nothing to do with the spirits. All occasions are good to attack us and even the theater shows are a great excuse to denigrate us and the ghosts. It was a very painful period for my family: we were pointed out just as heretics, as people who are outside of every rule of civil life, to the point that two elderly ladies who lived on the floor below ours made the spells every time they saw my uncle. I was still young but could feel the troubles of my family members. The most affected person, however, was the medium: his particular sensitivity, his exceptional faculties, which would need a peaceful and serene environment, suffered a not inconsiderable trauma. This immediately and negatively affected the séances, so much so that some physical phenomena, such as materializations, ceased abruptly and all the extensive paranormal production that had occurred until then, from then on it was limited almost exclusively to the phenomenon of direct voice. And yet it is, needless to say, something truly exceptional. Many people had participated in our sittings, so much so that sometimes the problem of lack of chairs occurred. However, after this scandal, almost all abandoned us and we remained alone to face the situation. Despite this, my family, after a pause (also due to the absence of the medium, who on advice of the guide entities spent a long time in the countryside to recover from the blow suffered) resumed the séances in great secrecy, but only with some truly trustworthy sitters. They undoubtedly had a lot of courage, but above all had courage the medium, who, although not consciously present during the séances, periodically and willingly submitted himself to the trance». In the issue 1997/1 (page 81) Ravaldini added that because of those accusations the medium «fell into a not inconsiderable psychic breakdown. Those facts had to act profoundly, and in a negative way, even on his mysterious mediumistic faculties, so much so that some physical phenomena, like materializations, which had occurred for some months, no longer occurred. Fortunately, the direct voice remained as a preeminent phenomenon, and went on still for many years». Fontanelli, in order to let the waters calm and to recover himself, left Castelfiorentino for about a month, as evidenced by the interruption of the séances in the minutes, going to some cousins of him who lived in the countryside near Volterra. When he returned to his town the séances were resumed in secret, but the first one (October 21, 1938) was unsuccessful. In the following two sittings there were some typological communications, and only on November 1st Amato's direct voice was heard again. From this moment on, and until the suspension of the séances due to the medium's call to arms, the only significant phenomenon was the direct voice, except for the apport of a vase with flowers wich occurred on January 29, 1939. From December 1939 to October 1940, as we have said, the minutes report only the dictation of the novel. After then, the first séance recorded is that of March 24, 1945, when the guide was De Rossi, which Ravaldini recalls as «a voice with sweet accents, permeated with so much goodness». When, after September 8, 1943, the air bombings by the allies began, many inhabitants of Castelfiorentino displaced in the country: the family of Silvio Ravaldini went to Gambassi, while Fontanelli – no longer military – went again to his cousins near Volterra, and returned to Castelfiorentino in August 1944. In the period between August 1944 and March 1945, when the medium was available, some séances were held, usually of short duration, the only trace of which was in Ravaldini's memories. Here is how that period is described in Realtà e Mistero: «The first sitting had negative results. Then we had the surprise of finding a new guide entity to welcome us, with whom at first it was very difficult to start a conversation. He was an Englishman who knew only a few Italian words. He had been in Florence and remembered the song Firenze sogna. He expressed himself in an idiom that we did not understand at all, putting in it a few words of our language. Nevertheless, all the questions we asked him were always perfectly understood, because – he told us later – together with the sound vibration of our voice, he also received our thoughts, and it was this that made him understand the concepts we expressed. It should be added that the sittings of that time had a rather short duration. In spite of this the phenomenon of direct voice continued unaltered as always and sometimes the voices were heard in a rather high volume». Ravaldini remembered his family's concern that some of the neighbors could hear a voice speaking in English, since just in those days some British prisoners had escaped from a camp located a few kilometers from the town and had found refuge, in secret, with local families. The story goes on: «So the manifestation of the English guide entity alarmed us, because if someone outside would hear someone in our house speak English, this could have given rise to the suspicion that we were hiding one of the escaped prisoners. But fortunately nothing happened. Over time, the modest vocabulary of this guide increased. He claimed that the words necessary to construct his speech in its essential lines were gradually traced into the medium's brain, but he never mentioned what was the procedure he used to find them. This guide stayed with us only a few months. However I think that his task was not easy, because it was also necessary to convey in words the thought of those entities who did not speak directly. And he was constantly worried about it, trying to improve the foreign language he was forced to use. His particular diction – with many incorrect tonic accents and incomplete words – has remained vivid in my memory. In particular, a question that often he asked us and which was part of his particular way of expressing himself, as if he wanted to confirm that what he approximately said in our language was understood by us: "Pallo bene taliano?". The period in which the English remained with us was characterized by séances in which the entities which showed up claimed to have entered the other dimension because of the various vicissitudes related to the war. And many of them begged us not to let their revelations leak out of our environment».
The period of the guide De Rossi One evening the English guide was replaced without any warning by a voice that spoke a perfect Italian. For the most part, this entity limited himself to greetings at the beginning and at the end of the sittings, and never worried about their formal conduct: thus the medium remained in a trance in the dark, in his deckchair in the kitchen, while the siters sat in the adjacent living room lit by red light bulb, near the communication door between the two rooms, with the black curtains open. The new guide said he was called De Rossi: «This guide was always little talkative and only one evening, at the beginning of the séance, recalled some episodes of the time spent in the human dimension. He informed us that he had been a man of Church, passed away a long time ago, and that he had visited our town. He recalled that at the time of his death he had not noticed at all what had happened to him, that his energetic structure, the imperishable part of himself, had already left the body, and so, as usual, he went to the cathedral driven by the illusion that he could celebrate mass». De Rossi was then replaced by the guide Amedeo on October 7, 1945. We have some minutes relating to the sittings held in this period. (March 24, 1945) In this sitting, after the usual manifestation of the guide and other spirits, an entity intervenes who in his earthly life had body in Germany and in the Second World War was a member of the secret information service of Germany under the conventional code «47+1». Recalling some episodes of his earthly life, he tells that in 1937 he managed to discover and defeat the attack against Hitler and Mussolini at the May Camp in Berlin. The four conspirators, two Italians, a Russian and a Polish, were immediately executed. Always in 1937 he became aware that the Italian top scientist Guglielmo Marconi did not die from paralysis, but from poisoning caused by a powerful poison contained in a common envelope. Marconi was killed by a foreign power that wanted to prevent the scientist from providing to another nation, which was going to challenge the world, his invention based on electronic beams, with which it was possible to hit airplanes at great heights and burn war material at many miles away. Marconi had already experimented with this invention on a powder deposit that blew up at a distance of fifteen kilometers. All the drawings referring to this discovery were destroyed. In 1939 he was in Moscow together with Von Ribbentrop, and met with Stalin. The head of the USSR, shaking his hand, sayd. "You are a man who is worth silence". In 1942 he visited El Alamein conquered by the Italian-German troops. Still on the northern African front, he launched behind the British lines from an airplane. In 1943, on July 10, he was present, dressed as a simple soldier, at the Feltre meeting between Mussolini and Hitler. The Italian leader wanted to give Germany the command of Italy. Still in 1943, dressed as an officer of the Alpini, he was present at the speech that Badoglio made to Italian officers in San Giorgio Jonico. Badoglio sayd that at the meeting in Feltre Mussolini wanted to get from Hitler Italy's disengagement from Germany. Going on telling his memories, he recalls the last moments of his life on Earth and his death, which occurred on the German submarine 47-2, sunk by a plane of the American Navy, ten miles off the coast of the United States, where he had to land carrying a radio transmitter. He remembers that he spoke seven languages, among which: Italian, French, Spanish and Russian. The entity greets and invites us to keep on in the path we have undertaken. One of the sitters asks the entity if he feels pain for Germany's military defeat. The spirit replies that to him, now free from the passions of matter, this has no importance because, as we are all sons of the same Father, we are brothers. In these communications the intertwining of totally imaginative elements with historical facts is evident. (August 1st, 1945) The guide wishes light to everybody. Other entities then show up, but their voiced thoughts don't reach us very clearly; perhaps the medium has not yet been used to the maximum, and this makes us think that tonight too we will be able to communicate with the inhabitants of the planet Venus. In fact, shortly thereafter we hear a noise, perhaps comparable to that characteristic noise that we hear in our intercontinental radio transmissions, but always rather uniform, which, as explained before, serves to bring our environment (that is, the fluidic field created by the guide) into contact with an analogous one, created by other spiritual entities, in a mediumistic séance like ours held on the planet Venus. Then the spirit that enables the connection communicates rather clearly: "Inhabitants of the Earth, listen: do you hear what in this moment I'm saying?" "Yes, we hear very well". "May God always enlighten you, as he enlightens all creation. Behold, you are in contact with your brothers of Venus. Attention: so much light to all and may God always enlighten you. We are so happy to be in touch with you. Do you want to collaborate with us? Answer…" "Yes, we will gladly cooperate with you". "Thanks a lot. Your brothers of infinity greet you immensely, wishing health to your bodies". "Thank you. Health and a lot of light to you too". "From an earth of the infinity the brothers in God have answered us, the supreme truth has been reached. So has been spoken on our star. Do you want to answer us? God exists; now we know it more than ever. Do you want to tell us what is that great light that surrounds your planet? All our great instruments are aimed at your Earth. How it burns! Do you want to answer?" We reply by saying that we can not explain the phenomenon they have observed, because it was not perceived here on Earth. However, since an exceptional period of drought has occurred, it may be that this can determine the phenomenon that our friends say they see. (In fact, the press has given news, in recent days, of light phenomena caused by drought, especially in Portugal and Spain). "Thank you very much for everything you have told us. You are far behind, you do not know the infinite. A lot of drought, but what be that great light that surrounds you? Can you help us understand what this is about? We now know that you exist on the planet that you call Earth. We know that on another planet near to yours there is life. Do you want, brothers of the infinite, tell us how much your air weighs?" "We will tell you that next time". "We know of your wonder at our manifestation through a spirit that has no body. A lot of celebration among us for having heard you. Do you want to answer? We will communicate through this spirit that allows that. A lot of light". The force is exhausted. The guide removes the fluids and the séance ends. The theme of the Brothers of the Infinite (identified by the participants as inhabitants of the planet Venus), which I think is connected to some literature of astronomical popularization of the time, will go on for some séances, then it will stop to be resumed after some years (on February 1951). (August 10, 1945) The sitting starts at 11 pm. The guide: "A lot of light to everybody. There is a vibration here. Lanfranco Trevisani. He wishes light to all". Manifestation of another spirit: "Giacco de' Medici. A lot of light". Another entity shows up, keeping the incognito: "Do you really want to love God? Think of him. God has given you a body so that you can see how much love he is. It's been several years since I passed away. I have always lived in contemplation. I think I'm always closer to God, I am looking at him. Now I have seen that you have a body, as I too had a body. This is a faith that makes your spirits shine even more". Another spirit: "And they wanted to give me death, as if giving me that I was completely annihilated. Now I am free and I have forgiven everyone. I would like to sit once again with you to be able to talk again". "Friend, do you want to tell us why you were killed?" "For all those events of evil and good that occur on Earth". "Do you want to tell us who you were?" "My name? Never minds. I was a military man. I tried to forget. Everything is love here, everything is equal. I was a general of the Italian army. If my name interests you: Cavallero, but please do not talk about it, you will do me a great favour. If you think about me, think of my spirit, not the name of my body. I could force my light to remember earthly things, and this would harm neither me nor this medium, but now I do not need it anymore". The reference is to General Ugo Cavallero, found dead on September 14, 1943, with a gunshot wound to the temple in the garden of the hotel in Frascati where he was being held by the Germans, waiting to leave for Munich. At this point the guide intervenes, saying to pay attention, while the usual noise announces an interplanetary communication. "The brothers of the infinite send to you brothers many greetings and best wishes for eternal and fraternal good. They are building a powerful device to see your planet even closer. It is a powerful water telescope. Do you want, brothers of the infinite, to tell us if there really is war on your planet?" We answer affirmatively, specifying however that it is ending in these days. "We are happy because our hypothesis that your planet is inhabited has indeed come true. Great feasts among us because your planet too is inhabited. Semper, Junio, Aleda, Zuleda, Ei, (some of the sitters on Venus) send greetings to evrybody and a lot of happiness. Their motto is: Loving God". We reciprocate greetings and happiness, also communicating the names of the members of our circle. "We ended war a long time ago. Now we made a great discovery: the Zoo ray. This ray, called Zoo by us, is the explosion of electricity in a certain point chosen by us. We will try, through our progress, to get that a signal from us may reach your atmosphere. Do you want to tell us how much your air weighs?" We communicate the weight of the air but, as expected, we are not understood. "We have other measures, we can not understand each other. The star of life (the sun) is much closer to us, our atmosphere is much heavier than yours". We make it known that we already knew this. Scientists studying the sky had performed calculations on this. They would like some explanations by these scientists. We answer that this is impossible because here at our séances none of them is present. So the spirit that lends himself to the connection explains our situation. Then the communication resumes: "Is this not your faith yet? That is, the faith of all the inhabitants of the Earth?" Our answer, of course, is negative. The entity that communicates says: "Do you hear better now?" "Yes; the voice comes much stronger". "It's because I got away from them and the strength is all concentrated here. This communication costs me a lot of effort, but I'm glad to help because it gives me joy. Now they are reunited in a big séance like you, but there are big lights, strong electric radiations that are very useful for us to communicate, but I can not explain this to you. Here... the brothers of the infinite greet you and love you, many good things to everybody". The guide wishes light to everyone and the sitting ends. The funniest thing about the communications of the Brothers of the Infinite is their sporadic use of verbs in the infinitive form. Frequent recurrence of number 47 (August 20, 1945) The guide: "There is a vibration here: Vittorio. He wishes you a lot of light; he is in contemplation". Another spirit: "Are you impressed by my voice? This is the voice that once had my body". Another entity: "Have you ever been sick of hydrophobia?" "No. Why do you ask? Perhaps you passed away due to this sickness?" "No. I was a doctor. I died as a result of falling into a well while I was chased by a hydrophobian. It was the night following the Christmas night; that day the masons had come to repair the left side of what had been an old convent, and the patiens had been accommodated to their best. There was no more hope for the mountain man, he had to die of that atrocious disease. By now he had reached the climax and had been locked in a cell. In another nearby cell there were two corpses, and I had to study their brains. I felt like an icy wind; I was alone downstairs, I had made myself comfortable. The hydrophobic man had managed to smash the little door…" Another vibration speaks: "Love above all; with love we love God; loving God, we love everything". Another spirit: "Is it the faith of your homeland? You can have faith also without professing anything else: it is enough to believe in God". One reports that he was a sergeant of the 47th infantry at Bondi. Then he continues: "You won the war because you lost it. I have always loved Italy. An Italian cursed you all. Light". Another vibration: "Dying is bad and very frightening, because it is said that after death there is nothing. Instead, it is not true: after death life begins. Everything is light, everything is color. You need love to live; we need to love to live. For a long time I've been coming here with you, but I'm always afraid because you still have body". The guide communicates again: "There are so many spirits here; everyone wishes light and good things to you and your loved ones. I have already removed the fluids. Light to all". We can see how often the guides refer to the entities by calling them vibrations. You can also notice how the number 47 is recurring: 47+1 is the code of the spy, 47-2 the number of the u-boot in which he died, 47th infantry is the regiment of the sergeant, a field hospital number 47 is mentioned in a subsequent communication... In the Neapolitan numerology of the lottery game it is said: «forty-seven, dead man talking»! (September 9, 1945) The guide: "I'm happy, because you always come to hear us". A vibration makes voice: "It seems almost impossible that you are not afraid; you begin to be hardened at this. Go on, please, never be afraid. Occult things did not interest me at all when I was alive: they interest me a lot now. In God the impossible does not exist, we must know how to seek and obtain with absolute faith in him. As soon as we leave our earthly body, we find ourselves in God". Another entity: "I passed away on the Dalmatian coast, near Ragusa". "Were you a prisoner?" "Yes, but as a soldier. I was 27 years old. I was in a truck and we went to work at a stone quarry to repair the road; it was there that a burst of gunfire prevented me from returning home. I always believed in God. When I passed away I felt like my head was spinning. I saw my mates, but in another form, it was as if they were kissing me and then I remembered them. We found ourselves in every place we thought of". "Were you aware at once of your passing away?" "No, not immediatly". "Together with you, all your fellowmen died?" "No, some of them were not hit". "Do you want to tell us who you were?" "Giorgio Posarelli. I was from Vicchio. Light". A spirit: "Do not look for any other faith: the one you have is the most beautiful. Yours, the one the spirit dictates to you, is the most beautiful because it is the true one; there are many other faiths, but they are false". An entity begins to speak in German, to pass shortly thereafter to a fairly correct Italian: "I love you so much. Is not hatred that has brought a storm on the Earth you live in? Man's right is the same for everyone; when true love will triumph, the storm wave will be turned away. On Earth, to love each other does not cost anything. The black storm will never again come back on Earth, but it will sometimes try to return. My people were crushed because of this, and I took my life. Have you never heard of a great nation that claimed to build a world of love and mutual honor? That nation was the great Germany. It was a long time since this nation wanted to make the world understand that our doctrine was based on love. Perhaps the war was a mistake. Humanity is no longer on the path of love. Only God can establish peace on Earth. I now love God and I pray him a lot to give peace and love to all". "But were you one of the German leaders? Do you want to tell us the name of your body?" "Never mind, I was a Düsseldorf citizen. I cry and have no more eyes. Peoples possibly hated Germany, because this has worn out bodies and lands, but under this material dress there was a spiritual garment. Now the abyss has been opened at your feet. Everything is finished with the destruction of my land and of others, but if politicians could see for a moment a flash of light, like you see, everything would be different. We have destroyed a lot and I too am guilty of it. When you have left your body and you stand before God, if your light is weak or strong, he will love you the same. I have spoken like this because you have a body". (At this point the communicating entity repeats a few times a sentence in German, which then he translates into Italian): "God be with you: so it was written on the belt buckles of all the German soldiers. The program was: United States of Europe, so no more war. Light a lot". One of the sitters asks: "Friend, why did you attack Russia? It is said that this nation too seeks to bring prosperity among peoples". "Russia and Germany had different views. Russia has always tried to numb all other peoples". Intervention of the guide, who says that a vibration, Vittorio, wishes a lot of light. Then another spirit speaks: "Everything is complex but everything is simple. A body that falls asleep, my thought that touches the medium's thought and this comes to you in vibration. That is great. Love God. Light". Another vibration: "I was shot, perhaps by mistake, because of the war, near Como". "Do you want to tell us who you were?" "Lucia Donati. I was almost thirty". Another spirit intervenes: "Do not love God as some priests dressed like... scarecrows teach. God exists. I believed in God too, but in my own way. God shows you the way to reach him. I would like to return to Earth again. Light". Another entity: "Do you remember the crime of Via della Trave? The wife and the daughter with her lover. I killed him with stabs. I was sentenced to twenty years in jail and I died there". The guide wishes light to everyone and the séance ends soon after. (October 5, 1945) After a short wait, a noise is heard near the medium, like a piece of torn paper rubbed together strongly, and this several times. The guide: "As the Earth feeds the bodies, so faith supports the spirit. You are in God, the creator of everything you see and everything you don't see. I am no longer in your world, now I have passed away for a long time, but despite being a minister of the Catholic Church, I believed in God". Another spirit communicates: "A lot of happiness to everyone. You have the body and, as it seems, you do not fear". Other entity: "How are you? Do you hear well? This voice is the one that once had my body. Then I did not see this vibration: now I can see it and it gives me joy. You do not die, you live. Death and nothingness do not exist, they never existed and will never exist. Everything is life. God is great in the mysterious force full of love that commands all movements. What country are you from?" "We are in Castelfiorentino, in the province of Florence". "Tell me, is my voice scary?" "No, it is lovely indeed". "If this should scare you and make your nerves quiver, I would cease to communicate". "You can speak, your communication gives us joy". "Have you seen a flame? I saw a little flame in the air a short time ago. Happiness and love are the same thing. You can love so much by loving everyone, but you will not love anyone if you do not love God. Light". Another spirit: "I am in true life and I make it clear to you with this voice of mine. I'm at a radio device. Attention, I send you my thought: Arturo Tagliavini. I am more alive than before, I am a free light that no longer feels pain, no longer suffers". Other communication: "How are you? Are you well? In my contemplation I knew a vibration that loved you so much. I have an instrument at my disposal and I can send sound to you". A spirit shows up, telling his name: "Ettore Tornaquinci. Once I went through your Earth touching everything, but now I have no body and I am much happier. So much light". Other entity: "Who was the one who said that death means darkness? He was mistaken: death means life, death means light. It's like when I was a body, I talk like then. If you said these things to someone, they would say: hallucinations! Now I try to get closer and closer to the great light that gives life to nothingness". Another communicates: "A lot of light. I am always in contemplation; I like it. I'm happy and I do not think about things related to the Earth anymore". We ask how contemplation occurs, that is, if a spirit can enjoy it in any place of the infinite. "Yes. In every point, but everyone sees according to the light's level that his own spirit has. I feel a light near me, but I can not see its vibration; over time, however, I will be like it. Contemplation is life, it is the fuel that feeds our flame of love. God is great and we see his effects. He is in us; he is with us; he is simple; he is childish, but we do not see him. You will think: how will he remember the words? The brain of this medium helps me a lot. While now I was speaking to you, I have been in the infinite, very far. I'm here and I'm not here, I'm elsewhere and I'm here". We ask: "Is there a lot of difference between your joys and ours? Perhaps, speaking materially, is there a superlative form of happiness among you?" "Bravo! That's right. Our happiness is very different from that of you mortals. Your spirit must continually fight and try to emerge from the material tide. Here is the struggle between spirit and matter: matter is bad, the spirit is good. Whenever the spirit wins, matter too becomes good. When you want to do any action, you must always think of God, think of him who gives life to nothingness. Only by thinking of this, I'm convinced that matter would act differently, and then you will feel like a happiness in yourself: it is the spirit that will have won cohesion. Everything can be done, the good always; the evil, thinking of God, no. I'm happy; I had not hurt anyone and, above all, I was never afraid. Fear of what? Of death? There is no death. Actually I thought that death was something mysterious; it is men who create the mystery. Those that you hear are not words that come from a body, are thoughts that come from a spirit and, bouncing on the brain of this medium, reach you. I believed I was doing good on Earth, instead my body acted badly, but my spirit was happy the same. Here perfection does not exist, there is no limit. If I gave you thoughts and I were not in touch with this medium, you would not hear me. I am happy because I have always tried to do my best and, above all, I have never been afraid. The beasts have no spirit; if you too could be deprived of your spirit and you could still live, you would be a beast. Many men preach many things and do not want to think about God. They are taken from the matter, we must pity them and love them more than the others. I'm so happy for this evening. Now I'm going back to being what I really am. Remember that I was a man who tried to do good; then life gave me more because I left the body. Now I live and I am in contemplation. Love God, listen to me; after all, loving God, you will love everything and everyone. If this act of loving God can be called religion, yours is the true religion. Light to everybody". Another vibration: "A lot of light to everyone and immense happiness. God is always with you, friends of the past and of the future. You had a catastrophe on your Earth that caused many spirits to pass away. I am not of the country that gave birth to your bodies; I've never been Italian, I was a German and I passed away not so long ago. Now I am very happy, as much as possible; now much more happy because war ended. A true peace smiles for you. God be with you. Faith first of all. My mother and father made my body, God made my spirit. Light to everybody". The guide wishes us a good continuation and the sitting ends. Change of the guide during a sitting And here is the minute of the séance of October 7, during which the change of the guide occurs: The guide: "I was waiting for you, as always. May God enlighten your thoughts. A spirit wishes you light and happiness. Another one is happy with you. A lot of light to everyone. How are you? Yes, it is true, you still have the matter that covers your spirit; there are many sufferings, but, on the other hand, they do not exist". A spirit: "Can you assure me that my voice is natural?" "Of course, it is very natural". "Fear does not exist. You must promise me to always be calm. I too had a body and could do the movements you do. You grope in the matter, because everything around you is matter. Light". Another communicates: "«If I could express myself in words of your language, I would be very happy», says a vibration which I do not see. He gives me his thought and I am happy. When I was on Earth I loved nature very much and I was happy in front of a glorious sky. Then my carcass could not stand anymore and my body disintegrated. A little while ago I was in contemplation. My name was Giuseppe, if I remember it correctly. I came another time. Now I am happy". Another spirit: "A lot of happiness. You have a body. Always high morale! Take good care of the matter, which is God's work. How did you do, tell me, and excuse my question, to get all this?" After our answer: "This is faith in the truth. Light". Then another vibration communicates: "Many spirits would like to communicate, but they are afraid to impress you. I know you are not afraid, but they give no thought. Now I see the vibration that my body had. God is a mysterious force that moves everything. Love is around you and you avoid it, but one day you will regret having avoided it. Do not be impressed, because the medium wakes up". In fact, the medium wakes up for a few seconds and then falls again into complete trance. Then the spirit that ceased to communicate at the medium's awakening speaks again: "Here, now I am your new guide". De Rossi speaks: "I am very happy with you. I feel a call elsewhere in myself, but I will come back". The new guide communicates: "A vibration says: a lot of light to Urbino. His body was called Amedeo Betti. In the medium's brain we can see the image of this young man, who passed away long ago". We ask: "Can you explain to us how the change of the guide occurs?" "It happens by divine law, we feel it". "And your body's name?" "Call me Amedeo, a name to be remembered by you, but it was not that of my body. You must listen to me and always try to do good. The matter was created by God". Another communication: "My mother grieves for me because she believes I am dead, but I am more alive than before. I'd like to tell her that I'm not dead, but she does not hear me. The other night I got myself dreamed, that is, I put myself in touch with her spirit while she slept. Life exists, I cannot lie. Here, I'm back to you with all my thirty years. I passed away in the field hospital number 47, in Greece. I was called Francesco Santelmi". Another spirit: "Never be afraid. I am not dead, but I am more alive than before; so I recommend you to love God, because he gives life". The guide: "A newly passed vibration does not want to tell his name because he fears to impress. He says: do not make war anymore, always love each other. Another vibration says: tell those spirits, who still are in the body, that I am happy. Here, another one has just passed away and his thought is attracted here. The infinite is infinite indeed; the psychic does not exist in the infinite, yet they are attracted here. They go, they come and they touch you. Excuse my question: what time do you have now on Earth? Day or night?" "It is night". "I ask because I know your bodies need to rest. Have you ever been to Ferrara? I have an aunt there, that is, the aunt of my body. Some vibrations touch you. Our life is quite different than when we were covered by matter like you. Our weapon is love, which does not hurt". A spirit: "Ettore Muti. I have come other times. I'm so happy. I'm not dead, but I've passed on to a better life. Peace be with you and never be afraid. Good thoughts of God to you". The guide: "Another vibration: Attavanti Nello. A lot of light. A vibration in contemplation touched you and went away". Another communicates: "I've always been among you. I died during a bombing in Germany. You gave me the certainty that now I live, because I see the voice my body once had, and you hear it. Its colour is light yellow". At this point we hear the characteristic noise announcing that we are in communication with our brothers of Venus (the communication has been reported in full). "Can you write on a sheet these words? Heart, love, equal Uelli. The brothers of the infinite of a planet greet all the inhabitants of the Earth. Great celebrations on planet Venus, as you call it. Soon possible great signaling in your fine air. Electricity explosion in your fine air. Do not be alarmed. Our possible powerful great signaling directed to your air. Our great electricity message at the end of your air. Great light on your planet persists. Do you want to tell us how you explain that similar? We soon make great distance electricity over your atmosphere, hopefully it will be visible to you. Please do you want to say weight your air?" We answer this question again, which had already been asked, explaining how our measures do not correspond to their. "You have many storms. A great light persists around your big globe. Great joy on our planet to have communication with you. We partner. The brothers of the infinite send you their greetings, through the infinite itself". Ravaldini's note in the minutes of the sitting: «During this sitting a new fact occurred, never happened before during a manifestation, and which, of course, no one could predict: the change of the spiritual guide. Just to remember it, we summarize it briefly. We are told by the new guide that, as for all the things of the afterlife, this also is ruled by a law of love. For what reason, that is, what is the purpose of this alternation in command, so to say, to access the regulation of those forces emanating from the medium and suitable for the manifestations, we cannot know, because even the spiritual entities have not given us any explanation. We can only observe how the medium had to return to his normal state, for the fact to occur, so that the incoming spirit could take possession of this spiral-magnetic field. It should also be noted that the return to the normal state of the medium was very short – just a few seconds – and, moreover, the time elapsed from the state of complete trance to the awakening was almost insignificant: possibly it was caused by an expedient apt not to damage the psychic, for that sudden return to normality, as also happened in another séance».