




Disclaimer: from this page you can download some of the texts mentioned in the site, listed in alphabetical order according to the author's last name. All texts were found on the Internet and have been downloaded and made available as they are copyright-free and usable for non-commercial purposes. Anyone downloading from this site one of the following texts is committed to use it exclusively for non-commercial purposes.

Aksakof, Alessandro – Animismo e Spiritismo – Traduzione italiana di V. Tummolo – 1912

Alvarado, Carlos S. – Eusapia Palladino: An Autobiographical Essay – Journal of Scientific Exploration – N. 1 – 2011

Baird, Alexander T. – One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death – 1944

Baudi di Vesme, Cesare – Storia dello Spiritismo – Volume I – 1896

Baudi di Vesme, Cesare – Storia dello Spiritismo – Volume II – 1896

Belfiore, Giulio – L'ipnotismo e gli stati affini – 1888

Blavatsky, Helena P. – What Is Theosophy? – 1879

Bolton, Robert Gambier – Ghosts in Solid Form – 1919

Bozzano, Ernesto – Per la difesa dello Spiritismo – 1927

Bozzano, Ernesto – Dei fenomeni di bilocazione – 1934

Bozzano, Ernesto – Dei fenomeni di infestazione – 1936

Bozzano, Ernesto – Animismo o Spiritismo? – 1938

Bozzano, Ernesto – Da mente a mente – 1946

Bozzano, Ernesto – I morti ritornano – 1946

Bozzano, Ernesto – Pensiero e volontà - Forze plasticizzanti e organizzanti – 1967

Bozzano, Ernesto – Popoli primitivi e manifestazioni paranormali – 1941

Bozzano, Ernesto – La crisi della morte – 1941

Brackett, Edward A. – Materialized Apparitions – 1885

Brackett, Edward A. – The World We Live In – 1909

Brofferio, Angelo – Per lo Spiritismo – II edizione del 1893

Capron, Eliab W. – Modern Spiritualism: its Facts and Fanaticisms – 1855

Carrington, Hereward – Eusapia Palladino and Her Phenomena – 1909

Crawford, William J. – Hints and Observations on the Phenomena of Spiritualism – 1918

Crawford, William J. – The Reality of Psychic Phenomena – 1919

Crawford, William J. – Experiments in Psychical Science – 1919

Crawford, William J. – The Psychic Structures at the Goligher Circle – 1921

Crookes, Sir William – Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism – 1874

Dawson Scott, Catherine – From Four who are Dead – 1926

De Luchet, Jean-Pierre-Louis – Essai sur la secte des Illuminés – 1789

De Zan, Mauro – L'interesse di Giovanni Vailati per gli studi psichici – 2009

Di Bolmar, D. (Domenico Lombardi) – Lo Spiritismo. Storia, Fede ed Esperimenti – 1905

Donaldson, S. G. – Five Experiments with Miss Kate Goligher – Psychic Science – Vol. XII n. 2 – July 1933

Ducasse, Curt John – A Critical Examination of the Belief in a Life After Death – 1960

Duncan, Victor G. – Proof – 1934

Edmonds, John W. and Dexter, George T. – Spiritualism – Vol. 1 – 1853

Ermacora, G. Battista – I fatti spiritici e le ipotesi affrettate – 1892

Erny, Alfred – Le Psychisme Expérimental – 1895

Fournier d'Albe, Edmund Edward – The Goligher Circle – 1922

Garland, Hamlin – Forty Years of Psychic Research – 1936

Gravitz, Melvin A. – The Search for Bridey Murphy – American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis – N. 45 – luglio 2002

Gurney E., Myers F., Podmore F. – I fantasmi dei viventi – Traduzione italiana dall'edizione ridotta dell'originale del 1886

Hart, Hornell N. – The Enigma of Survival – 1959

Hartmann, Eduard von – Philosophy of the Unconscious – Volume 1 – 1893

Hartmann, Eduard von – Philosophy of the Unconscious – Volume 2 – 1893

Hartmann, Eduard von – Philosophy of the Unconscious – Volume 3 – 1893

Hodgson, Richard (Relazione) – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research – Volume 13 – 1897/98

Huxley, Aldous – The Doors of Perception – 1954

Huxley, Aldous – The Perennial Philosophy – 1946

Janet, Pierre – L'Automatisme Psychologique – 1889

Kant, Immanuel – Dreams of a Spirit-seer (Illustrated by Dreams of Metaphysics) – 1776

Kardec, Allan – The Spirits Book – 1857

Kelly, Emily W. – Some Directions for Mediumship Research – Journal of Scientific Exploration – N. 2 – 2010

Lodge, Sir Oliver – The Survival of Man – II edizione 1909

Lodge, Sir Oliver – Raymond or Life and Death – XIII edizione 1926

Lombroso, Cesare – Hypnotisme et Spiritisme – Traduz. francese di Ricerche sui fenomeni ipnotici e spiritici – 1910

Lombroso, Cesare – Sui fenomeni spiritici e la loro interpretazione – La Lettura – N. 11 – novembre 1906

Lombroso, Cesare – Eusapia Paladino e lo spiritismo – La Lettura – N. 9 – settembre 1907

Lord, Eric – Science, Mind & Paranormal Experience – 2006

Marryat, Florence – There Is No Death – 1891

Monroe, Robert A. – I miei viaggi fuori dal corpo – 1971

Moore, Admiral W. Usborne – Glimpses of the Next State – 1911

Moore, Admiral W. Usborne – The Voices – 1913

Morselli, Enrico – Il magnetismo animale - La fascinazione e gli stati ipnotici – 1886

Morselli, Enrico – Psicologia e Spiritismo – Volume Primo – 1908

Morselli, Enrico – Psicologia e Spiritismo – Volume Secondo – 1908

Muratori, Ludovico Antonio – Della forza della fantasia umana – 1745

Murphy, Gardner – Challenge of Psychical Research – 1961

Myers, Frederic W. H. – Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death – Volume I – 1903

Myers, Frederic W. H. – Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death – Volume II – 1903

Myers, Frederic W. H. – Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death – Volume III (Appendici) – 1903

Nicholls, Angus & Liebscher, Martin (a cura di) – Thinking the Unconscious - XIX Century German Thought – 2010

Nus, Eugène – Choses de l'autre monde – 1880

Owen, Robert Dale – Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World – 1861

Pappalardo, Armando – Spiritismo – 1922

Podmore, Frank – Modern Spiritualism A History and Criticism – Volume I – 1902

Podmore, Frank – Modern Spiritualism A History and Criticism – Volume II – 1902

Powell, Arthur E. – The Etheric Double – 1925

Powell, Arthur E. – The Astral Body – 1926

Powell, Arthur E. – The Mental Body – 1927

Powell, Arthur E. – The Causal Body – 1928

Richet, Charles – Traité de Métapsychique – 1922

Saltmarsh, Harold F. – Ambiguity in the Question of Survival – Proceedings of the SPR – Volume 46 – 1941

Schrenck Notzing, baron Albert von – Phenomena of Materialization – 1923

Schrödinger, Erwin – Mind and Matter – 1956

Soal, Samuel G. – A Report on Some Communications... – Proceedings of the SPR – Volume 35 – 1925

Stead, William T. – Letters from Julia – 1917

Stephenson, F. McCarthy – A Test Séance with the Goligher Circle – Psychic Research Quarterly – n. 2 – October 1920

Swedenborg, Emanuel – Les Merveilles du Ciel et de l'Enfer et des Terres Planétaires et Astrales – Vol. 1 – 1782

Swedenborg, Emanuel – Les Merveilles du Ciel et de l'Enfer et des Terres Planétaires et Astrales – Vol. 2 – 1782

The Shekinah – Vol. 1 – 1852

Visani Scozzi, Paolo – La Medianità – 1901

Whately Smith (Carington), W. – The Reality of Psychic Phenomena – Proceedings of the SPR – Volume 30 – 1918

Wolfe, Napoleon B. – Startling Facts in Modern Spiritualism – 1875

